Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day Seven - SUCCESS!!

I waited to write all day as I was waiting for "something" to occur today.

Quick recap of yesterday's Day six; I started off feeling shaky in the am but ended the day feeling good. I drank the epsom salt drink at 3:30PM (had to rub my tongue with an orange slice to tolerate it) although the last sip I did end up gagging anyway. I got through the eight tablespoons of olive oil and fresh squeezed lemon juice ( I put them in shot glasses as it seemed easier to take). Plus the last one wasn't as bad as I though it was going to be. Now for the record I would drink olive oil any day before I would drink epsom salts again.
The idea was for the olive oil to get into the bile ducts and flush out the liver/gallbladder with your then passing some kind of stones in your stool early AM (2AM). DAY SEVEN, 2-3-4-5-6-7AM etc came & NOTHING HAPPENED!! I couldn't believe it after all that hard work nothing happened, ugh! So I woke up had my juice (today is a juice fast day) went to the gym at 7:45AM ran 3 miles, did weight training. BTW I was surprised how much energy I had with so little food. Went to my son's soccer game and ran errands. In substitute for my morning green tea I had hot water and fresh lemon juice, it was surprisingly satisfying.
But then about 5:30PM "something" did happen but truthfully I am not sure if I saw any stones in there, just lots of green pea looking things among other stuff??? I should have googled a picture so I would know...or on second thought maybe not;-) I guess I was expecting like real stones, rocks that sunk to the bottom of toilet. Okay so I just decided to "bing" it, didn't find any pictures but Yey!!! I did find out MY "something" was as the website described it "Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside" "Sometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a "chaff" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging the stones" I had that too!

The gallbladder is simply a bladder that fills with bile ready to be put in the digestive system. Its only a sac. Everything in it comes from the liver. The stones are made of fat. This is the way the liver stores the fat of the body. The problem is that over the years we take in more fat than we burn off. The liver gets bigger and bigger from the stones in storage because the stones not only increase in number but increase in size and after a period of time like 25 to 30 years the liver gets enlarged and filled with stones and then the stones at the bottom of the liver get deposited into the gallbladder. Usually by the time the stones are in the gallbladder they are bigger.

My juice fast today was with some Acai juice, pomegranate white tea( with probiotics- figure my intestines need to be replenished with the good bacteria after 7 days), and also super green smoothie(Bolthouse)in a bottle(yum) that I bought at the grocery store. I have to admit I broke down at the local Japanese restaurant tonight and had some miso soup, well its sort like juice-"juice of the tofu", right?

Sarah had a rough morning but I'll let her tell her story when, if ever she decides to "blog";-) We will wait patiently;-)

Tomorrow is raw veggies/fruits - may try out a recipe from my cookbook then steamed veggies /fruit on Monday...Where I'll recap with all the highlights etc.
Oh my Raw Un-cookbooks have arrived today!!...Now I just have to convince my husband that we need a dehydrator.

Click here for more info on Epsom Salts
Epsom salt uses plus lots of other suggestion/alternatives if you ever need a safer natural laxative -

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